We might say that their character is “strong” : they can rise to unlikely challenges, and if they do not want to do something, you will not be able to make them do it ! This is a very strong position for Mars to be in, and Mars in Scorpio people are very hard, harsh, aggressive, and courageous. The planet Mars is in its nocturnal domicile here (see Rulerships), so its energy is able to express itself fully, but in a more subterranean kind of way-less directly than when in its domicile of Aries. Mars in Scorpio : strength, resilience, and excessiveness See Mars in the birth chart of a woman for the specific influence of this planet on the Anima. It informs about the man side, the action, the desire, the lover, our impulses, the libido, but also more broadly on our way of asserting ourselves, our combativeness and the latent violence which results from it, it manifests qualities in the colors of the occupied sign. The planet Mars is one of the attributes of the Animus in the chart, so it can indicate a Projection of it. These are the global energies of Mars in Scorpio or in 8th House that must be nuanced according to your birth chart, see the article Mars in signs see also the article on the general interpretation of Mars.